Reinder Blaauw

Blaauw, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Reinder Blaauw is born in Scheemda on 4 March 1994 and lives in Winschoten. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Keep going until you’re blue in the face”

When I was growing up, we always talked politics at the dinner table. While my interest in politics certainly stems from my parents, they never pushed me towards any particular ideology. They were always open to other views.


As an MP, I still follow political developments closely. Having a visible democracy is very valuable and we should cherish an open society that provides that transparency.


I have played an active role in the PVV for the past 10 years, first as campaign manager, before becoming a provincial council member a year ago. It was a job I enjoyed thoroughly, but I could not turn down the opportunity to become an MP. Being in politics is a responsibility, but it is also a privilege. I am honoured to get to represent the Dutch people.

Get back up when you fall down

While my work as a member of the provincial council revolved mainly around Groningen’s youth, culture and infrastructure, I will have a more comprehensive portfolio in the House of Representative. My main goal is to be a good representative. I’m fully committed and will always get back up, no matter how often I fall down. It might be my surname talking, but I’ll keep going until I’m blue in the face.