Maikel Boon

Boon, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Maikel Boon is born in 's-Gravenhage on 11 May 1982 and lives in Bergen op Zoom. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“The Netherlands should be for the Dutch”

I am an Afghanistan veteran, an amateur martial artist, a survival runner, and a Brabander with a soft spot for farmers. I may not be the most diplomatic person and when I see a closed door, I may want to kick it down, but you could also describe me as a patriotic go-getter with a great sense of responsibility.

From Brabant to Uruzgan

I grew up in the Brabant countryside, surrounded by orchards and dairy farmers, and my first jobs were on a farm. I care deeply about agriculture and spent nine years as the spokesperson for agriculture in the provincial council of Noord-Brabant. Before that, in 2006, I had been an ISAF infantryman stationed in Uruzgan, where I saw exactly what can happen when you let Islam run rampant.

Sense of responsibility

I have been interested in politics from a young age, thanks in no small part to the rise of Pim Fortuyn in 2002. It was not until the birth of my son that I really entered politics. I asked myself: if I do nothing now, how will I be able to look my son in the face when he is older and explain why I sat idly by as his country changed? The Netherlands should be for the Dutch and migration should be curbed.