Emiel van Dijk

Dijk, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Emiel van Dijk is born in 's-Gravenhage on 22 March 1985 and lives in 's-Gravenhage. He is in total 1082 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“The truth will prevail"

Everyone deserves to live in a country where the government serves its citizens. Today, citizens serve the government, facing ever higher taxes and further restrictions on their personal freedoms. My goal, my foremost priority, is to help turn that around. I try to do everything with honesty and integrity, because the truth will always prevail.


I cannot stand injustice and when I see it, I get an uncontrollable urge to change it. I have been that way since childhood. I do not sit back and complain, I try to contribute to change, no matter how small my contribution may be. That mindset triggered me to go into politics.


I previously worked for the PVV group in the European Parliament in Brussels and I have served in the House twice before. There, I learned that you have to persevere, be patient and learn to adjust your expectations. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Spare time

I really enjoy doing sports. I think exercise is incredibly important: healthy body, healthy mind.