Marjolein Faber-van de Klashorst

Faber, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Marjolein Faber-van de Klashorst is born in Amersfoort on 16 June 1960 and lives in Hoevelaken. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Do not complain about things you are not willing to change”

My father always told me not to complain about things you are not willing to change. And if there is something you can’t change, it makes more sense to move on than to sit down and whine. He taught me to always get over my losse; there are better ways to spend your energy than wallowing in defeat. And if you can change something: do it.

Social engagement

I was fascinated by politics as a teenager. I come from a butcher's family, and we always talked politics at the dining table. Small business owners play an important part in local communities, and people love to have a chat in a butcher’s shop, especially back in the day. I can be rather determined and resolute in debates, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have empathy. I understand what people are going through.

The Senate

I remember watching a TV ad with Wilders and Fleur Agema rowing against the current, looking for people to join them. I knew I was just like them, and that’s how I found the PVV. Ultimately, I spent twelve and a half years in the Senate.

Listening to the people

We have to listen to the people. Politicians usually have their own ambitions and agendas, but you have to ask whether they are aligned with what the people want. We believe that politicians should keep their election promises. We are committed to preserving our own culture and our welfare state, and everyone needs to do their part.