Dion Graus

Graus, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Dion Graus is born in Heerlen on 19 March 1967 and lives in Heerlen. He is in total 6348 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Making the Netherlands a better place for people and animals”

My fight is against indecency and rudeness and I want to make the Netherlands a better place for people and animals alike. We should have more respect for the elderly, who built the economy we rely on today. On top of that, I spent many years fighting for animals to be given the right to protection, care and welfare and will continue to do so. I see myself as a colourful representative of the people, not yet another grey politician. And that’s who I want to be as an MP: a man who fights for people and animals. Castles still exist, but knights and patriotism have disappeared.


  • HBO Management
  • Phytotherapy
  • VWO


  • TV producer/presenter 2003-2006
  • Manager, Nutraceuticals Chassot/Vétoquinol Benelux 2002-2003
  • Managing director, Anisane/ Chassot NL 1999-2002
  • Veterinary sales representative, AST-Farma 1997-1999
  • Various postions in sales, marketing, PR managemnet in the automotive sector 1991-1996