Habtamu de Hoop


Habtamu de Hoop is born in Addis Ababa on 16 April 1998 and lives in Wommels. He is in total 1113 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Giving people the chance to make their dreams come true”

If you lie awake at night not knowing whether you will still have your job tomorrow, what can you dream about? At the very least, we should provide livelihoods to people who need a push, giving them the chance to make their dreams come true.

Frisian at heart

I was born in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, but I grew up on a farm in the Frisian village of Wommels. I am a Frisian at heart and always up for a game of Frisian handball. In secondary school, I was in the debate club, and at 19, I became the youngest councillor in the municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân.

Speaking your mind

As presenter of the youth programme NTR Het Klokhuis, I learnt to explain complicated ideas in simple terms. I am also someone who speaks her mind, becoming the first Frisian politician to speak out against Zwarte Piet. I also spoke at the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Leeuwarden in 2020.

Voice of young people

The world is becoming an increasingly uncertain place and my own generation in particular has been hit hard in recent years. Affordable housing, a permanent contract, or just a good teacher for your children are no longer a given these days. In fact, it is no longer self-evident that young people will be better off than their parents. As an MP, I give young people a voice.