Ines Kostić

Kostic, PvdD, including logo on the bottom left


Ines Kostić is born in Mostar on 21 October 1984 and lives in Hilversum. They is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Protect what is vulnerable”

I had never thought of myself as a good fit for politics, until PvvD came along and changed everything. I was drawn by the party’s unique, planet-oriented vision, how it pursues change and always puts the well-being of people and other animals first. As a party, we strive to protect what is vulnerable.

Vegan convert

My two cats have opened my eyes. One day, I was sitting back and observing them when it struck me: they are two individuals with their own characters and preferences. I love my cats and wish them nothing but good things, so why would I feel any different about all the other animals on earth? As hard as I tried, I simply could not come up with a satisfying, non-hypocritical answer. Long story short: I became a vegetarian, then a vegan, and I was convinced by the PvdD party programme.

No time to lose

As an MP, I want to help tackle the climate and nature crisis. The situation could not be more urgent: time is running out. Change comes at a cost, and I believe we should not present the bill to vulnerable citizens, but to the biggest polluters. The protein transition, the shift towards more plant-based protein, is just as important. Not only will it save animals, it will benefit the country as a whole by freeing up farmland, feeding more people and creating space for nature.

Contemporary art

I thoroughly enjoy wandering through museums, because it puts me in an almost meditative state. I love contemporary art because it challenges you to think outside the box and very powerfully reflects important undercurrents in society. Contemporary art forces you to reflect on society and on yourself.