Barry Madlener

Madlener, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Barry Madlener is born in Leiden on 6 January 1969 and lives in Rockanje. He is in total 5184 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Bringing accountability back to politics”

During my career as an estate agent, I became more and more socially engaged. I got to visit a lot of people’s homes and we would often talk about social issues and politics. Time and time again, I noticed the exasperation of those hard-working folks, who cannot believe the disconnect between politicians and the people. Politicians turn a deaf ear to the problems that real people face every day, let alone come up with a solution.

Administrative maze

It is very important for politicians to explain how politics affect people’s lives and that people have a voice. Creating clarity about responsibilities, that is what politics should do. All too often, our administrative maze of rules and responsibilities makes it virtually impossible to accomplish relatively simple goals. Besides, giving the people more power and creating more clarity will help bring accountability back to politics.


  • Brokers training
  • HAVO


  • Member of House of Representatives for PVV 2006-2009
  • Member of city council, municipality of Rotterdam, since 2002
  • Broker, owner Erasmus Projects