Claire Martens-America

Martens-America, VVD, including logo on the bottom left


Claire Martens-America is born in Utrecht on 19 September 1987. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Disagree without being disagreeable”

We have to put in work to protect the freedoms that our grandfathers and grandmothers fought tooth and nail for, such as post-war security and freedom for women. I am committed to defending those freedoms and ensuring that everyone is free to be themselves.

Rolling up your sleeves

As a young mother, I am transitioning from business to politics. I come from a family of business owners and was always taught that tomorrow can be better than today. I have seen first hand how the government can help SMEs, but also what happens when the government is not on your side. The 2008 financial crisis left a big mark on society. I saw lots of room for improvement, which left me with two options: get angry and shout on the sidelines or roll up my sleeves and make a difference. That was when I decided to enter politics. Having been a municipal councillor in Amsterdam for seven years, I am now making the switch to The Hague.


My focus has always been on walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Political debates are becoming increasingly personal and hostile, and it is essential that politicians return to being good role models. There will always be differences of opinions and clashes in politics, the trick is to disagree without being disagreeable.