Marina Vondeling

Vondeling, PVV, including logo on the bottom left.


Marina Vondeling is born in Rotterdam on 14 July 1986 and lives in Rhoon. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Dutch public officials need to stand up for the interests of the Dutch people”

I was born in Rotterdam-Zuid, where I spent much of my childhood. Though I have left Rotterdam, I still live nearby, in Rhoon.

Long-time politician

Even as a student, when Wilders had just emerged, I was interested in politics. I started as an intern with the PVV in 2010, just before I graduated, and I have not left since. My behind-the-scenes experience has taught me all about the wheeling and dealing of national politics and has put me in a position to make a real difference.

Feeling safe

Everyone should feel safe in the Netherlands and be able to live a good life. It is shocking to me that so many Dutch people cannot afford groceries or find a good home. As an MP, my goal is to fight for a beautiful and safe country for all Dutch people.