Jimme Nordkamp

Nordkamp, GroenLinks-PvdA, including logo on the bottom left.


Jimme Nordkamp is born in Oldenzaal on 22 September 1996 and lives in Losser. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

Social media links

Ancillary positions

For some positions members of parliament are paid, other positions are unpaid. More information about ancillary positions can be found in the full list of ancillary activities.

  • Eigenaar van Visionnovation (01-09-2021 tot heden)


  • 17-03-2024 - 18-03-2024 Brussel, BelgiĆ«
    NAVO en Europese Defensiesamenwerking
    Paid: Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal


  • Ontvangen van de Gemeente Oldenzaal 2 toegangskaarten voor het bijwonen van de Grote Twentse Carnavalsoptocht. De waarde is onbekend. 11-02-2024