‘Do go and vote!’ says President of the House Khadija Arib
The elections for the House of Representatives take place on 17 March. President of the House Khadija Arib calls on everyone to go and vote. Do exercise your democratic right to vote, the President of the House says emphatically. Due to the restrictions instituted to contain the spread of coronavirus, the elections will proceed in a different manner than before.

Voting must be done in a coronavirus-proof manner. For this reason, the voting will be spread over three days instead of one. A number of polling stations in each municipality will be open on 15 and 16 March in addition to 17 March. Moreover, the polling stations are being set up in a way that allows voters and election officials to maintain 1.5-metre’s distance and ensures that there is adequate ventilation. Objects such as voting booths, doorknobs and the familiar red pencils will also be disinfected at regular intervals.
Risk groups
The extra polling days are meant especially for voters who are in a risk group and therefore extra vulnerable to coronavirus. Voters above the age of 70 do not have to go to the polling station: they are being given the option of voting by mail. Persons experiencing Covid-19-like symptoms, or those who do not wish to go to the polling station themselves, may authorise someone to vote for them. Polling stations are open from 7:30 to 21:00.
Political parties
Thirty-seven parties are taking part in the elections for the House of Representatives on 17 March, the largest number since World War Two. Immediately after the elections it will be clear which candidates have been elected.