Debat Direct app: Get a full week of parliamentary sessions on your personal device
Download the all-new app, view the parliamentary calendar for the entire week, watch all the week's debates, track parliamentary proceedings and share your favourites on social media.

With the former app you could only view the parliamentary calendar for the current day, but this all-new app shows the parliamentary calendar for the entire week. What's more, it lets you play back all the week's debates on your personal device.
Already used by thousands of people, Debat Direct has been improved to keep up with user demands. Downloaded more than 50,000 times, the app enables you to stay up to date on the latest activities at the House of Representatives such as the debate on the government's policy statement.
Weekly calendar
One of Debat Direct's remarkable new features is its user-friendly display of the weekly parliamentary calendar. It also allows you to play back all the week's debates. It is now easier than ever before to share a clip of a debate on social media. With a press of a button, you can post voting results and other results online.
Audio Mode
In response to popular demand, Debat Direct features an all-new audio component enabling you to listen to a debate while using another app or while your device is in standby mode.
Would you like to listen to the debate or the speech of your interest without tuning in for hours at a stretch? Simply set the alerts and Debat Direct will send you a customized push notification at the start of your favourite debate or the minute the MP of your choice starts talking.
Download the Debat Direct app version 8 - it's free:
- iOS
- Android
- Windows 10
- Or visit