President of the House of Representatives receives the President of the Norwegian parliament

On Thursday 17 March, the President of the House of Representatives will receive the President of the Norwegian parliament (the so called ‘Stortinget’).

On Thursday 17 March, the President of the House of Representatives, Ms. Gerdi Verbeet,  will receive the President of the Norwegian parliament (the so called ‘Stortinget’), Dag Terje Andersen.

Mr Andersen and a delegation of Norwegian MPs will also speak with members of the committee of Foreign Affairs. Subjects are European cooperation, bilateral trade relations, the current financial situation and Dutch integration policy.

The delegation of the Norwegian parliament consists of: 

  • Dag Terje Andersen, President (Arbeiderpartiet – Labour party);
  • Peter Myhre (Fremskrittspartiet – Progress party);
  • Else-May Botten (Arbeiderpartiet – Labour party);
  • Gunvor Eldregard (Arbeiderspartiet – Labour party);
  • Michael Tetzschner (Høyre – Conservative party).