Temporary committee on ‘Lessons from recent labour migration’ presents research report

On Thursday 29 September, the President of the House, ms Gerdi Verbeet, received the research report of the temporary committee on ‘Lessons from recent labour migration’.

On Thursday 29 September, the President of the House, ms Gerdi Verbeet, received the research report of the temporary committee on ‘Lessons from recent labour migration’. The temporary committee was commissioned by the House of Representatives to investigate the facts and current policies surrounding recent labour migration.


In the research report, the committee answers twelve questions. In addition to the factual conclusions, the committee also gives its opinion on recent labour migration policy. Where lessons can be learned, these are included in the report in the form of recommendations. The results of the investigation may provide input for the debate on the upcoming decision concerning the free entry of Romanian and Bulgarian workers onto the Dutch labour market.

Temporary committee

The temporary committee on ‘Lessons from recent labour migration’ consists of the following Members:
• Ger Koopmans (CDA, chairman of the committee)
• Khadija Arib (PvdA)
• Karin Straus (VVD)
• Ino van den Besselaar (PVV)
• Paul Ulenbelt (SP)
• Gerard Schouw (D66)