Speaker of the House to receive the president of the parliament of Turkey

On Thursday 15 November the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ms Anouchka van Miltenburg, will receive the president of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mr Cemil Çiçek.

On Thursday 15 November 2012 the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ms Anouchka van Miltenburg, will receive the president of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mr Cemil Çiçek. Mr Çiçek is due to arrive at the House of Representatives at 10 am, to have a talk with the Speaker of the House.



At 12.30 pm Mr Cemil Çiçek will meet with members of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House, Ms Anouchka van Miltenburg, will open this meeting with a word of welcome. At the end of the meeting the President of the Senate, Mr Fred de Graaf, will say a few words in conclusion.