Raymond de Roon

de Roon, PVV, including logo on the bottom left.


Raymond de Roon is born in Amsterdam on 1 September 1952 and lives in Aardenburg. He is in total 6383 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Representing the people means standing up for your constituents’ interests and thinking ahead”

I entered politics because I believed that Geert Wilders and the PVV deserved support, and that’s why I am in the House of Representatives. Before being elected as an MP, I was a public prosecutor in Zutphen and attorney general in Amsterdam.

Thinking ahead

Being an MP was hardly a dream of mine when I was younger. While I was interested in politics, I never thought I would embark on a political career. Geert Wilders and his PVV sparked my political ambition. To me, representing the people means standing up for your constituents’ interests and thinking ahead.


  • Dutch law
  • HBS-B


  • Advocate General 2003-2006
  • Public Prosecutor 1983-2003
  • Legislative assistant, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations 1980-1983
  • Scientific assistant, Free University Amsterdam 1974-1980