Patrick Crijns

Crijns, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Patrick Crijns was born in Heerlen on 25 July 1984, and lives in Landgraaf. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 432 days in total.

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“Close the gap between politics and the people”

In 2016, I submitted a petition for a Nexit referendum in the House of Representatives, having collected 56,000 signatures. The experience inspired me to enter politics, so I signed up with the PVV and stood in the Provincial Council elections. Unfortunately, I was not elected then, but I did contribute actively as a civic committee member for two years. In 2022, I was elected to the Municipal Council of Landgraaf with preferential votes.

Fight and listen

My goal is to close the gap between politics and the people. I want to fight for the little guy, who feels that his voice always goes unheard. While we can’t do everything for our supporters, it is essential that we listen to the people who elected us.

An active, healthy lifestyle

As a football coach, sports are a very important part of my life. I love living a healthy, active life, and make sure that I spend a few hours in the gym at least three times a week.


Exercise is not just good for the body, but for the brain too. Still, I have seen how many people in the Netherlands are living unhealthy lives, and how few people – young and old – get enough exercise. It is my mission to change this and ensure that everyone has the chance to get some quality exercise.