Marco Deen

Deen, PVV, including logo in the bottom left


Marco Deen is born in Haarlem on 8 June 1968 and lives in Zandvoort. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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"Help people instead of making their lives difficult”

I represent the people and the entrepreneurs. I believe that the government should try to help people instead of making their lives difficult with rules and taxes. Everyone should be able to get by and pay for the basics, such as groceries and heating your home. Being forced to choose between basic needs because of money issues is simply inhumane. It’s just not necessary in the Netherlands.

My motto is: let people live their lives and let entrepreneurs run their business as they see fit. Give entrepreneurs more freedom to decide for themselves – they are more than capable! Creating fewer barriers will help you get the best out of the country’s entrepreneurs.

Picking up the gauntlet

In 2015, I became a municipal council member for the PVV in Noord-Holland, before being elected as a municipal councillor in Zandvoort in 2018. I entered politics because I have strong opinions and want to make a change, rather than just shout from the sidelines. Standing idly by helps no one: I’m here to pick up the gauntlet.

Always among the people

I love spending my spare time with my family. I’m also an avid golfer, and enjoy playing billiards and reading a good book. I enjoy getting around by bike. Being among the people is very important for me. I’m a very social person and thoroughly enjoy connecting people.