Diederik van Dijk

van Dijk, SGP, including logo on the bottom left


Diederik van Dijk is born in Driebergen on 22 November 1971 and lives in Benthuizen. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Honouring your word”

Too little attention is paid to the value of unborn children and old, frail lives. We believe that there has to be a place for everyone in the Netherlands, including children with disabilities. That is why my work as an MP revolves around respecting life.

Ample experience

I am a lawyer by trade and used to be the chairman of NPV - Zorg voor het leven, the country’s largest pro-life organisation. I am also an experienced senate member. Earlier in my career, I was also an SGP parliamentary group member in the House of Representatives. My experience will be much needed, with so many very experienced people having left the group.

Touch of humour

Apart from my professional resume, I also bring various personal traits to the table. A touch of humour is very important to me, but I also like to be as clear and transparent as possible and am always polite. MPs need to engage with and stay close to the general public, while also working to preserve our rule of law.


I love riding my motorbike to relax and recharge and waterskiing is another favourite pastime of mine. I also try to make time for a game of chess and a good book every now and again.