Wendy van Eijk

Eijck-Nagel, VVD, including logo on the bottom left


Wendy van Eijk is born in Maarheeze on 14 February 1973 and lives in Weert. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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"Fairer and more inclusive, based on the importance of equal opportunities for all"

I have been lucky enough to get the chance to seize opportunities and hone my skills. I entered politics so that I could use my skills to contribute to a better future for Dutch people and entrepreneurs. I started as a municipal councillor in Weert in 2014, before becoming an alderman in 2018, followed by a short spell as a member of the provincial council of Limburg.

My ideal

As a local administrator, I found that policies do not always have the intended effect in practice. What I like most about working as an MP is that it puts you in a position to actually influence policy. My ideal is to contribute to a fairer and more inclusive society, where there are equal opportunities for all.

Simplifying the tax system

I thoroughly enjoy reading up on complex issues, which means I excel at analysing problems, coming up with new solutions, and making better decisions. Recently, I have delved into our complicated tax system. It is important that we make our tax system simpler and more understandable. People should easily be able to figure out what part of their income they can spend freely.

A runner and a reader

I love going for a run in my spare time, preferably in the countryside around Weert. I also enjoy reading everything from literary thrillers to novels, depending on my mood and how much time I have.