Dion Graus

Graus, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Dion Graus was born in Heerlen on 19 March 1967, and lives in Heerlen. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 6647 days in total.

Social media links


“Making the Netherlands a better place for people and animals”

My fight is against indecency and rudeness and I want to make the Netherlands a better place for people and animals alike. We should have more respect for the elderly, who built the economy we rely on today. On top of that, I spent many years fighting for animals to be given the right to protection, care and welfare and will continue to do so. I see myself as a colourful representative of the people, not yet another grey politician. And that’s who I want to be as an MP: a man who fights for people and animals. Castles still exist, but knights and patriotism have disappeared.


  • HBO Management
  • Phytotherapy
  • VWO


  • TV producer/presenter 2003-2006
  • Manager, Nutraceuticals Chassot/Vétoquinol Benelux 2002-2003
  • Managing director, Anisane/ Chassot NL 1999-2002
  • Veterinary sales representative, AST-Farma 1997-1999
  • Various postions in sales, marketing, PR managemnet in the automotive sector 1991-1996