Peter van Haasen

Haasen, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Peter van Haasen is born in Leiden on 21 June 1960 and lives in Zaandam. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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"Always keep smiling"

For years, my friends and I would meet up for a political chatv every other week. At one point, I got into a dispute with the municipality over building plans behind my house. I fought the plans so successfully that the lawyers of fellow complainants copied my arguments. When my friends heard about it, they told me to put my talents to good use.

Municipal council

Starting from 2018, I did just that as municipal councillor for Zaanstad. I had stood for the PVV in response to plans to open an asylum seekers' centre in the middle of the city. My family did not even know that I had stood as a candidate, so it was a big surprise when I got on the electoral list. Nobody else on Zaanstad municipal council laughed as much as I did. At the end of the day, enjoying what you do and seeing the funny side of things is what keeps you sane.


I love making things with my own hands, and I even built my very own conservatory. I have always been into DIY, but I suspect that I mighyt not have as much time for projects now that I am an MP. I had promised my wife to make a new dining table for eight, but I guess we will just have to buy one.