Daniëlle Hirsch

Hirsch, GroenLinks-PvdA, including logo on the bottom left


Daniëlle Hirsch is born in Amsterdam on 5 April 1968 and lives in Amsterdam. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

Social media links

Ancillary positions

For some positions members of parliament are paid, other positions are unpaid. More information about ancillary positions can be found in the full list of ancillary activities.

  • Mede-eigenaar tweede woning. Deze woning is niet bewoond. Is in bezit vanwege erfenis en wordt zo snel mogelijk verkocht. (20-12-2022 tot heden)
  • Verhuur woning (01-01-2005 tot heden)


  • 26-02-2024 - 28-02-2024 Abu Dhabi, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
    Paid: Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal