Alexander Kops

Kops, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Alexander Kops is born in Leidschendam on 23 November 1984 and lives in Overasselt. He is in total 2582 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Committed to our constituency, our voters, and our own Dutch people"

I became interested in politics around the time that Pim Fortuyn set foot in the world of politics, followed by Geert Wilders. I have always had a soft spot for people who have the courage to speak openly and honestly about everything that is going wrong in our country. I have had various roles for the PVV since 2011, starting as a policy officer in Brussels before becoming a Senate member and provincial councillor for Gelderland, and finally becoming an MP in 2017.

Standing by your message and your views

Many of our debates are about big, complicated issues like climate and energy policy, and bills spanning hundreds of pages – excluding appendices and the like – are certainly no exception. What’s more, government policy costs a lot of taxpayer money. It’s my duty to clearly and concisely figure out how policy will affect ordinary people and their bottom line, as well as spotting what is wrong with policy and what has to change. At the same time, I believe in standing by your own message and views and I will always stand up for the people of this country. At the end of the day, that is what it is all about.

Family man with a love of language and poetry

I am passionate about languages, and it is an important part of being a politician. I studied German and enjoy writing poetry in my spare time. While I love being an MP, I am also a real family man. After every debate, I look forward to going home to my wife, daughter and cat.