Mariëtte Patijn

Mariëtte Patijn was born in Voorburg on 29 December 1966, and lives in Hilversum. She has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 432 days in total.
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“Improving the position of working people”
Being an MP is a special privilege. In the past, I was a union official and vice-chairwomen at the FNV and the Dutch Labour Inspectorate, where I spent my days improving the position of working people, especially those without permanent contracts. It is a great honour to be able to make the country a better place as an MP.
In control
45% of the Dutch workforce currently does not have a permanent contract. I firmly believe in the need for legislation that guarantees greater job security and while I could have some impact at FNV and the Labour inspectorate, it does not compare to the impact you can have as an MP. In the House, you are in control and have a real opportunity to make things better.
Quid pro quo
Apart from improving the position of working people, it is important that we guide the economy and curb the free market. We should ask ourselves what kind of society we want to live in and what we want the economy to give back to society. We need to return to an economy based on the notion of quid pro quo, in which you get what you put in, and I am doing my best to make this happen.
In the weeds
Gardening is one of my favourite ways to relax. I love having serious conversations while weeding, because it helps me focus. I also enjoy going to the cinema and eating out with family and friends.