Joeri Pool

Pool, PVV, including logo on the bottom left.


Joeri Pool is born in Zwolle on 22 February 1993 and lives in Kampen. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Putting the Netherlands first”

I have been very interested in politics from a young age and quickly came to the incontrovertible conclusion that the PVV is the only political party that gets it. Talking about politics with fellow students failed to scratch the itch, so I decided to volunteer with the PVV. My respect for Geert Wilders and the insight that our country’s current immigration policy is unsustainable spurred me into action. As an MP, I am looking forward to curbing immigration and preserving our national identity. Future generations of Dutch people deserve to grow up in a country that they can recognise.


Before being elected as an MP, I had the honour of being a senior policy officer for the PVV. I loved that. Before that, I worked as an information specialist at the Department of Public Works. The PVV is the only party that is unconditionally committed to the Netherlands, and as an MP and proud PVV representative, I will continue to work tirelessly and honestly for the resurrection of our country and our people.


I studied history at Utrecht University (UU) after a brief stint at the Royal Military Academy in Breda. After my bachelor’s degree, I pursued a master’s degree in politics at UU. I still love reading about history, and especially about the wonderful past of our great country.