Aant Jelle Soepboer

Soepboer, NSC, including logo on the bottom left.


Aant Jelle Soepboer is born in Dongeradeel on 17 August 1989 and lives in Nijewier. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Keep your head down and get to work”

My career in local politics began in Fryslân when I took a stand for an important rural tradition: parade floats. This was my introduction to regional politics. Before I became an MP, I also served as a municipal councillor and alderman, and as an MP I will continue to stand up for rural interests, on top of what is best for the country.

Liveability over profitability

While I was not raised to be a politician, I have developed a real passion for the craft. As an alderman, I noticed how people have much more faith in local government than the central government. I want to try to restore that trust by staying close to the people, by being honest and open and by putting liveability before profitability. It is a matter of keeping your head down and getting to work.

Political language

As a former teacher, I know how important it is to connect with your audience, which is why the widening gap between politics and the people is so concerning. All too often, the political language used in the House just goes over people’s heads. I hope to effect change and keep politics accessible.