Frans Timmermans

Timmermans, GroenLinks-PvdA, including logo on the bottom left.


Frans Timmermans is born in Maastricht on 6 May 1961 and lives in Maastricht. He is in total 4207 days active in the House of Representatives.

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Keeping the country together

In the years to come, nothing will be more important than keeping the country together. As I see it, our main challenges are fighting poverty, restoring trust in government, and combating climate change and other international challenges with our European partners.

Creating support

As an MP, your first and foremost duty is to know what is going on in the country. Your second duty is to convince people of your plans for the future. All MPs have these duties, and they are by no means easy, so collaboration with like-minded colleagues is more important than ever.


My spare time is for my family, my children, and our grandchildren. My favourite ways to relax are reading, watching football, and walking the dogs, although you could argue that they are the ones taking me out for a walk.