Jan Valize

Valize, PVV, including logo on the bottom left.


Jan Valize is born in Venlo on 14 September 1982 and lives in Venlo. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Tell it like it is”

Having been a municipal councillor in Venlo for four years – where I am still a civilian councillor to this day – I have dealt with many different issues, from authoring a vision on cemeteries to public transport. I have always aspired to be socially engaged, and I enjoy the policy-making process. Serving society is a great privilege.

Like a duck takes to water

I have broad interests, but logistics is my area of expertise. In recent years, I have worked as a quality and environmental coordinator at a pallet factory. When the PVV started spreading to more and more different municipalities, I joined. I feel at home there, like a duck takes to water. The PVV tells it like it is.

Domain knowledge

Traits I value highly in an MP are being thorough and knowledgable: you have to be proficient and know what you are talking about. And when you find your knowledge wanting, you should give your all to mastering the topic in question.


In my spare time, including my commute from Venlo to The Hague, I love to read. I also enjoy having a good time with others: whether it is an evening of TV with my cat or all sorts of fun activities with my girlfriend.