Extra-parliamentary groups: lobbies

Politicians will take into account the opinions of important movements that enjoy major public support, such as trade unions, the farming sector or the Royal Dutch Touring Club (ANWB). Some of these organisations are represented in official advisory bodies, which the government or parliament often consult before taking a decision on a matter. Examples of such bodies are the Social and Economic Council (SER) or the Education Council of the Netherlands (De Onderwijsraad).

Two people are standing in the central hall of the House of the Representatives.

Since july 1st, 2012, the House of Representatives has a public register of all lobyists and advocates with a fixed access-pass. This pass grants access the semi-public spaces within the building. 


There are three types of lobbyists:

  • Staff of public affairs and public relations offices
  • Representatives of CSO's or trade associations
  • Representatives of municipalities or provinces.

Request a pass

In order to request a fixed acess-pass, an explanation of the lobying party and its goal is required. A maximum of one pass is granted per organisation or institute. Data that is given during this process will be put in the aforementioned public register. If a party is elligible for such pass, application forms are provided by the service desk Rijkspassen. These forms must be filled out in order to complete the request for such pass. The desk can be contacted:

T: 070-318 3090
E: BEV-Servicebalie@tweedekamer.nl