Peter de Groot

Groot, VVD, including logo on the bottom left


Peter de Groot was born in Harderwijk on 9 May 1980, and lives in Harderwijk. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 1412 days in total.

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“If you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten.”

Twelve years ago, I started my political career in local politics in Harderwijk. After graduating with a degree in Technical Public Administration, I was eager to do my part for society. I was able to harness my knowledge and contributed to an urban redevelopment programme. My favourite part of local politics is that you can make a big difference in people’s lives, and my job gradually turned into a wonderful hobby. I was group chairman for many years and enjoyed running campaigns.

Back to practice

In the past, I helped infrastructure and mobility companies chart their strategic development, which mainly came down to tinkering with practical solutions. I’m very lucky to be able to combine my practical knowledge and experience with real solutions with my political responsibilities in the Hague. As an MP, I want my constituents to benefit from all our hard work. Besides, I plan to stay firmly rooted in my community and represent the Netherlands, and my own region of Gelderland, as best I can.


The quote at the top suits me because I think that you have to be the change you want to see. I am committed to keep actively looking for room for improvement and want to make things happen.