Fleur Agema

Fleur Agema, PVV, including Logo


Fleur Agema is born in Purmerend on 16 September 1976 and lives in 's-Gravenhage. She is in total 6236 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Making healthcare cheaper by making it better”

I am a designer by trade. It had always been my dream to work for an architectural firm, and although that dream came true, I was forced to give it up when I was diagnosed with MS. Fortunately, I got a big gift in return: helping to design society. My heart told me to follow Geert Wilders, and that’s why I’ve been an MP since 30 November 2006.

Large group

I have been group vice-chairwoman since 2006 and was delighted to welcome lots of new members after the elections in November 2023 . It is a true privilege to work with such a large group – 140 people, including support staff.

The family pub

I am a people person. My father was a pub owner, and I grew up in my parent’s pub, so I think I got it from him.

Stop the slide

It’s a great honour to be the longest-serving spokesperson for healthcare. One day, I hope that we can look back and say that our efforts stopped the slide, without going over budget. I care deeply about healthcare. A lot of people in our country desperately need healthcare and 1.4 million people work in the sector, but there’s so many rules and indications to keep in mind. I am convinced that improving healthcare can also make it cheaper, as countless studies have shown.


  • Master Trainer 2008
  • NEI Coach 2006
  • Master of Arts, MAHKU/Open University, Utrecht 2004
  • Mechanics, construction physics, Academy of architecture, Amsterdam 2000
  • Master of Arts in Architecture, Academy of architecture, Amsterdam 2000-2001
  • Bachelor of Arts, Art Academy AKI, Enschede 1999
  • HAVO 1994


  • Member of Provincial States North-Holland 2003-2007
  • Designer and project manager, architect company 1999-2003
  • Parttime manager hotel and catering industry 1997-1999
  • Employee restaurant 1994-1999 (next to study)
  • Skipper youth sailing camp 1994-1997 (not paid)