Anita Pijpelink

Pijpelink, GroenLinks-PvdA, including logo on the bottom left.


Anita Pijpelink is born in Terneuzen on 7 October 1974 and lives in Middelburg. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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"Talk with each other, not about each other"

I knew from a very young age that I wanted to go into politics. At first, I pursued a career in education, followed by an eight-year spell as a provincial councillor and member of the provincial executive. Now, I am continuing my career as an MP with the goal of bringing about positive change in the world.

Positive change

During my time on the provincial council, I got to immerse myself in countless different topics, from nature to culture, and worked on a wide array of different political issues. For me, the big challenge of being a politician was to combine and integrate all those diverse issues. Finding common ground between worlds that seem far apart is an important part of politics, and by connecting those worlds I hope to affect positive change.

Setting a good example

As MPs, we set an example to the rest of society. There is nothing wrong with a fiery debate, provided you respect each other and stay polite. As MPs, we should talk with each other, not about each other. Not all problems have a straightforward solution, so patience is an absolutely essential virtue for politicians.