Elke Slagt-Tichelman

Slagt-Timmerman, GroenLinks-PvdA, including logo on the bottom left.


Elke Slagt-Tichelman is born in Zevenaar on 18 February 1977 and lives in Assen. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Let us pass on a healthy planet to future generations”

As a former midwife, I feel we have the responsibility to pass on a healthy planet to future generations. Our children deserve to grow up with a healthy climate and equal opportunities.


As a healthcare professional, I am committed to building a healthcare system that is fit for the future, contributing to solutions to staff shortages, administrative burdens and costing systems. Countering centralisation is a key battle in guaranteeing the accessibility of care. In some regions, joining forces would be a better option than leaving healthcare facilities to the whims of the market.

Representing the region

The foundations for equal opportunities in the future are laid in the House of Representatives. I come from Drenthe and aim to represent the interests of our beautiful province in Dutch politics. Only if rural areas have the representation, they deserve can we truly offer equal opportunities to all.

Collective interest

Being a politician means prioritising the collective interest over all individual needs. A society is supposed to be connective and constructive, which is why collaboration and the human touch are so essential in politics.