Bente Becker

Becker, VVD, including logo on the bottom left


Bente Becker was born in Almere on 12 August 1985, and lives in Wassenaar. She has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 2657 days in total.

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"Working on real solutions"

What I want to achieve in the House? I want to give my generation a voice. Young people here are free to live, love and work as they please, but the freedoms we take for granted are not enjoyed everywhere in the world. I believe that we should cherish and protect our free values and our prosperity. My work as an MP lets me champion that cause.

Political experience

After a student internship at the age of 19, I entered politics as a personal assistant and policy officer for the VVD and spent six and a half years as a political assistant to minister Henk Kamp. This gave me the chance to travel all across the country and speak to the people there. I’m looking forward to using that experience in my work as an MP.


I want to work on solutions that actually work. I am a curious, inquisitive person and always try to come up with creative proposals. At the end of the day, I want the decisions we make in The Hague to noticeably improve people’s lives. I am not one for sitting back and waiting idly by: the freedom and prosperity we have in the Netherlands are worth defending. As an MP, I want to do my part, even if that means making difficult, unpopular decisions.