Folkert Idsinga

Idsinga, NSC, including logo on the bottom left


Folkert Idsinga is born in Opsterland on 22 December 1971 and lives in Amsterdam. He is in total 1021 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Not words but deeds – as true in Friesland as anywhere else”

Giving back

During my 25-year career as a tax expert, I gained the necessary international and managerial expertise. My parents always taught me that giving back to this beautiful country of ours is a noble pursuit, and their lessons were the reason why I entered national politics. The people around me challenged me to take to the political arena.

New team

I look forward to working with experienced, knowledgeable colleagues to foster administrative renewal and provide livelihoods to people who need it. I care about the team: I am a real team player and always enjoy connecting people. When I retire as an MP, I hope that people will remember me as someone who contributed to necessary changes.

Striking a balance

Being an MP is demanding, but I’m a hard worker who has always had tough jobs. The early-morning and late-night meetings are particularly rough and you have to learn to strike a balance in order to survive. I try to spend as much time with my family as I can. After all, my two sons need their father, too. What little free time I have, I try to spend with family and friends. There just are not enough hours in the day for hobbies.