Elmar Vlottes

Vlottes, PVV, including logo on the bottom left.


Elmar Vlottes is born in Apeldoorn on 3 August 1989 and lives in Apeldoorn. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“There is nothing greater than standing up for your voters”

I first started with the PVV as an intern way back in 2008-2009. In 2015, I became an unelected party support officer in Gelderland, after which I was elected as provincial councillor in 2017 and became a policy officer for the party in the House of Representatives.

Mass immigration

My family has always been politically and socially engaged, but my personal interest in politics was sparked by the rise of Pim Fortuyn and later by Geert Wilders and his views on increasing Islamisation and the consequences of mass immigration.

Great honour

My new role as MP is a great honour and I look forward to standing up for our voters in every debate and putting Dutch people first again. Looking back, I hope to be remembered as a critical, committed MP who fought for his cause.

More roads

As an MP who lives in Apeldoorn, I do my fair share of commuting by car. It is doable, although congestion is clearly increasing, and the situation is only set to get worse. Every day, I see with my own eyes that the Netherlands needs more roads. For eighteen months, I commuted by train, but the frequent delays and long travel time meant that driving would usually be a better option.

Many interests, little time

Apart from my work as a public official, I also have many hobbies and interests. They help me take my mind off things, although I admit I have little time for them these days. I enjoy photography and all sorts of music, from Dutch sing-alongs to operas.