René Claassen

Claassen, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


René Claassen is born in Heerlen on 13 July 1971 and lives in Landgraaf. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Everything works out in the end”

I was interested in politics for as long as I can remember. My father was a union leader and he gave me the drive to make meaningful contributions and engage in spirited debate. Ultimately, that sent me on the path of becoming PVV's parliamentary group chairman in the provincial council of Limburg and in the municipal council of Landgraaf in 2019. I am keen to keep Limburg on the map by discussing the issues affecting the province in the House.


Since entering politics, I have learned that it is worthwhile to keep working together and to try to find a middle ground. As I see it, what makes a good MP is the ability to stand up for your party’s views while also listening to people with differing views. After all, turning a deaf ear to all compromise is a certain way to achieve nothing. My motto is that everything always works out in the end. Sometimes you find a shortcut, and though you will have to take the long way round at other times, but everything always gets resolved in the end.

Classical music

Politics had always been my hobby, and now it’s my job too. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to classical music; Renaissance and early Baroque composers especially. I used to sing in a small chamber choir, but most of these choirs have now disappeared. Not that I would have the time now...