Gidi Markuszower

Markuszower, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Gidi Markuszower is born in Tel Aviv on 27 October 1977 and lives in Amsterdam. He is in total 2582 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“We have to fight to protect our Dutch freedoms”

The traditional parties have no answer to the mounting problems we are facing in the Netherlands. Islam, mass immigration, and the loss of sovereignty to the EU are the biggest problems of our generation. Most other parties are unwilling to call a spade a spade, let alone making policies to protect our country from these dangers.

The PVV is the party of realism. I deeply admire Geert Wilders: he has always been far ahead of his time and doesn’t shy away from expressing abrasive views. Without the PVV, the House would be little more than an impotent debating club.


I come from a family of avid news-watchers who never shy away from expressing an opinion on social issues.

While I was studying law, I also took a few courses on politics. I became politically aware at a young age and, as far as I can remember, have always been interested in politics.

My concerns about the state of the Netherlands drive me to keep fighting for the Netherlands as an MP, ensuring that our country will stay safe and free for generations to come.


The large influx of Muslim immigrants has put the Dutch welfare state at risk and immigration as a whole raises major security concerns. Our public institutions will implode if we continue like this. As part of the PVV, I want to continue fighting to protect and preserve our Western freedoms.