Geert Wilders

Wilders, PVV, including logo on the bottom left.


Geert Wilders was born in Venlo on 6 September 1963. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 9602 days in total.

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“Safer streets, less immigration”

In 1998, I became an MP for the VVD, a party I left in September 2004. Some time later, I founded a new party, the PVV, which made its parliamentary election debut in 2006. The PVV is tough when necessary and gentle when possible.

More police officers

We need to be tougher on crime and nuisance. I believe we need more police officers to protect our streets, catching bad buys rather than giving tickets. We also need heavier penalties, which is why I am in favour of introducing high minimum sentences.


We also need to tackle mass immigration. Last year, 147,000 immigrants entered our country. Things cannot go on this way. Mass immigration causes widespread economic and cultural problems. We need to protect and preserve the Netherlands.

Elderly care

We want to make big improvements to elderly care. Our elderly people deserve the best, and we want more people to take care of them.