House of Representatives news

Parliamentary committee of inquiry into Fraud Policy and Public Service Provision presents its findings

In a hardened political and social climate, the three branches of government have been blind to their inhumane and unjust treatment of citizens. People’s fundamental rights were violated and the rule of law was dismissed. This is the main conclusion the parliamentary committee of inquiry into Fraud Policy and Public Service Provision draws in its report 'Blind voor mens en recht', which it presented on 26 February.

Debate about government policy statement by fourth Rutte Cabinet

On Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 January, the House of Representatives will debate the policy statement by the fourth Rutte Cabinet. On Tuesday, the leaders of the parliamentary groups will have the floor. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Mark Rutte will answer questions from the House of Representatives on behalf of the government. This will be followed by a second period in which Members of Parliament can propose motions.

The House of Representatives has relocated

The relocation of the House of Representatives to its temporary accommodation elsewhere in The Hague city centre has been completed. The first day of sittings took place at 67 Bezuidenhoutseweg on 7 September. In this bulletin you can find updates, photos and more information about the relocation and the temporary accommodation.

Temporary accommodation officially opened

The temporary accommodation of the House of Representatives was officially opened on Tuesday, 7 September, the first day of sittings after the summer recess. During a short ceremony, Speaker of the House Vera Bergkamp marked this moment with a speech, followed by the official opening.

‘Do go and vote!’ says President of the House Khadija Arib

The elections for the House of Representatives take place on 17 March. President of the House Khadija Arib calls on everyone to go and vote. Do exercise your democratic right to vote, the President of the House says emphatically. Due to the restrictions instituted to contain the spread of coronavirus, the elections will proceed in a different manner than before.

Temporary committee on the Digital future presents final report

On Thursday 28 May 2020 the temporary committee on the Digital future of the Dutch House of Representatives has presented its final report 'Update required. Towards greater parliamentary control of digitisation'. The committee has concluded that the House should establish a standing parliamentary committee for Digital Affairs, starting in the next Cabinet term. Further more, it recommends amongst other things that the House should draw up a Digitisation agenda and place additional focus on European Union legislation and how it is shaped.

Mrs. Kathalijne Buitenweg as she presents the report to the President of the House

Commemoration ceremony at the Roll of Honour for the Fallen 1940-1945

On May 4 2020, the commemoration ceremony at the Roll of Honour for the Fallen took place in the House of Representatives. The President of the House, Khadija Arib, gave a speech and laid a wreath at the national monument, together with President of the Senate Jan Anthonie Bruijn, on behalf of the States General. Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Paul Blokhuis, State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport, laid a wreath on behalf of the Council of Ministers.