Mpanzu Bamenga

Bamenga, D66, including logo


Mpanzu Bamenga is born in Kinshasa on 12 July 1985 and lives in Eindhoven. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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"Dare to dream and dare to do"

I came to the Netherlands from Congo when I was 8 years old. I had no papers and it took me 13 years to get them. I always dared to dream of a better future and a world in which everyone is treated equally, regardless of who you are, where you come from, and what you look like. My history teacher at secondary school inspired me with lessons on the Dutch Constitution and the rule of law.

More equitable society

I went on to study law, global development policy, and European migration and asylum law. During my internships at the House of Representatives in 2008, in Ghana in 2009 and at the UN refugee agency in 2010, I saw how much you can do for people as a politician. It lit a fire in me to contribute to a more equitable society, and prompted me to join D66 in 2012, co-write election manifestos and found the national department of Society, Migration and Asylum. From 2014 to 2022, I was a member of the municipal council of Eindhoven. In 2018, I filed a complaint regarding ethnic profiling, followed by a lawsuit with human rights organisations and a citizen. We won in February 2023, banning ethnic profiling at border controls.

Eliminating discrimination

Bills should be inclusive and sustainable to help as many people and generations as possible. The world is evolving and new technologies are emerging every day, including profiling systems. Our laws will have to change with the times if we are to protect our human rights and eliminate racism and discrimination. It is essential to give a voice to the people affected by these issues, but we will also have to work with civil society organisations, businesses, and knowledge institutions.