Julian Bushoff


Julian Bushoff was born in Groningen on 21 March 1997, and lives in Groningen. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 811 days in total.

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“Affecting real change for people in need”

My goal as an MP is to fight for a more socially secure country and to help struggling people get by. Moreover, everyone should have a roof over their heads. As a Groningen native, I would add: a safe roof in an undamaged home. I believe that government should get the basics right: loving healthcare close to home, regular buses, and sports clubs in large cities and small towns alike.

A helping hand

We never talked much about politics at home. We did talk a lot about disability care, because both my parents worked in the sector. I suspect that their jobs helped shape my political thinking: they taught me to stand up for those less fortunate and lend each other a helping hand. I can see clear parallels between me and my parents, because that’s exactly what you can do in politics and what motivated me to become a municipal councillor for Groningen and an MP.

Ideals and results

Everyone belongs here, no matter who you are or where you came from. That’s one of my most important principles. Besides, as a social democrat, I naturally want to affect real change that benefits people, making sure that people have more money left over at the end of the month and can rely on affordable healthcare. I work my hardest to ensure that GP surgeries are not sold to the highest bidder and that essential services such as buses, libraries, and community centres stay afloat. Interacting with people from all walks of life is essential if you want to be an MP: you’ll find that they are great sources of concrete ideas.