Isa Kahraman

Kahraman, NSC, including logo on the bottom left


Isa Kahraman was born in Midyat on 1 April 1974, and lives in Rijssen. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 409 days in total.

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“Giving back to the society that gave me so much”

A seat at the table

I came to the Netherlands as a refugee. As a Christian, I had few rights in south-east Turkey, but in the Netherlands, everyone gets to take part in this wonderful democracy. The Netherlands has given me a lot and I am very grateful that I was given shelter, the opportunity to go to university, and a fulfilling job.

Giving something back

Before becoming an MP, I was a managing director at a large international consulting firm. Politics is about giving back to society. I spent 12 years as a municipal councillor, and when I heard about Pieter Omtzigt’s agenda for change, I wanted in.


I am a positive man, the kind of person for whom the glass is always half full. You will find me using the harmony model more often than the conflict method. I care more about people and relationships than the issues themselves. I enjoy working with new people; change energises me.


I regret having to give up my job as managing director, but it is a great honour to serve the Dutch people. The biggest sacrifice is that I will no longer be able to see my children every night. I have three daughters, aged 11, 13 and 15, whom I used to help a lot with their homework. Unfortunately, that will be a lot more difficult now that I am an MP.

I do really need to keep exercising, and my wife agrees. Tennis is my game of choice. I take lessons and also play in a competition.

Taking detours

I am no stranger to politics, and I know that you have to persevere and take a few detours to get where you want to go. When I eventually as an MP, I want to look back at a job well done. I want to be able to say that I did my part for society and that I stayed on good terms with everyone.