Vicky Maeijer

Maeijer, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Vicky Maeijer is born in Rotterdam on 7 September 1986 and lives in Krimpen aan den IJssel. She is in total 2470 days active in the House of Representatives.

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"The Netherlands is our country"

I joined the Wilders Group as early as 2006, while I was still studying international law and European public law. In 2011, I stood as PVV leader for the provincial elections in Zuid-Holland, before being elected as a member of the European Parliament in 2014. After the emergence of Fortuyn, my interest in politics grew quickly, as did my political career.


I am truly honoured to have the chance to help achieve the ideals of the PVV: less immigration, de-Islamisation and a nexit. Ultimately, the House is where important decisions are made.

Reclaiming the Netherlands

Along with the other PVV politicians, I want to work on freeing our country from the Brussels bigwigs. Our parliament should decide what happens in our country. I will do my utmost to stop the islamisation of society and put an end to open borders, reclaiming the Netherlands for our voters.