Rachel van Meetelen

Meetelen, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Rachel van Meetelen was born in Amsterdam on 12 March 1975, and lives in Bergen op Zoom. She has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 432 days in total.

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“Hard work should pay off, lazing about should not”

Hard workers should feel that hard work pays off, whether you are a business owner, independent contractor, or healthcare professional. It is very important to me that hard work should pay off. My background is in the funfair sector and I have always loved my job. The same goes for politics, and it still amazes me how I have been able to turn both of my hobbies into my work.

Political interest

I have been interested in politics since a very early age. I volunteered with the PVV for nine years and stood for election in the last Provincial Council elections. The COVID-19 pandemic lit a fire inside me, as the entire funfair industry was shut down and the SME sector came under threat. As an entrepreneur myself, I too have faced the ever-increasing regulatory and tax burden facing SMEs, and I am champing at the bit to make a change. In recent years, politicians have hardly missed a single opportunity to introduce cuts for SMEs: small business owners are suffering.


More and more people are saying that they simply cannot go on and will be forced to quit if something does not change. Business owners are the lifeblood of the Dutch economy and we have to stop them from shutting up shop. I cannot stand injustice My family has always told me: mum, we could not be more proud of how hard you fight for yourself and for others.