Tjebbe van Oostenbruggen

van Oostenbruggen, NSC, including logo on the bottom left.


Tjebbe van Oostenbruggen is born in Zeist on 22 September 1979 and lives in De Meern. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Honest jobs in a strong economy"

We need to keep the labour market equitable, inclusive, and social, because labour is the shortest and widest path to a secure livelihood. While 85% of Dutch people make a good living, that also means that 15% are still left on the sidelines. This has to change: everyone should be able to take part in society and make a living. Countries with a strong economy can afford to invest in livelihoods for their people. We have a robust economy and should keep it that way. We all work hard to foster solidarity and social support, to ensure that everyone can take part.

Entrepreneur in the labour market

As an entrepreneur, I think we need more entrepreneurial MPs and I’m eager to help improve the Dutch business climate. The topic I am most interested in is the labour market. We have been tinkering with the Dutch labour market for twenty years now, and we still have not found any solutions to make it more dynamic, more fair and more inclusive. As an MP, I want to champion both employees and business owners, while getting the Dutch labour market ready for the future.

At home in Leidsche Rijn

I live in Utrecht (Leidsche Rijn), I am married and I have two daughters. I am a Christian and an active member of our church, NGK RijnWaarde. In my spare time, I also enjoy going out for a run, playing volleyball and joining boot camps, and I hope that I’ll still have the time now that I am an MP!