Femke Zeedijk

Zeedijk, NSC, including a logo on the bottom left.


Femke Zeedijk is born in Utrecht on 7 February 1974 and lives in Eindhoven. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Facts over framing”

My goal as an MP is to improve our country’s culture of governance. People and businesses need to feel heard in The Hague, which means that politicians will have to listen much more closely and factor in how decision-making will affect people’s lives and livelihoods.

Brainport spirit

I have always worked for big companies, including KLM, Rabobank and, most recently, ASML, where I spent a decade as a strategic advisor. I have always been fascinated by collaboration between companies big and small, with ASML’s Brainport network being a prime example of how suppliers and employees from the Netherlands and abroad can make great things happen. I aspire to take the Brainport spirit with me to The Hague.

Industrial policy

I recently laid down some of my duties at ASML and joined a consulting firm as a partner because I wanted to gain experience in SMEs. Just like big corporates, SMEs are subject to too much ad-hoc policy imposed by the central government. We need to return to sound industrial policy.

Facts first

I am a mathematician by trade, which means I make decisions based on facts. Once you get the facts and figures right, you can start working on framing. That has served as my core principle during my 12 years in municipal politics in Geldrop-Mierlo, so when Pieter Omtzigt started a party built on the exact same premise, I immediately got in touch.


In my spare time, I enjoy going on day trips and runs to clear my head.