Laura Bromet


Laura Bromet is born in Purmerend on 17 January 1970 and lives in Monnickendam. She is in total 2141 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“You have to understand each other’s views in order to make policy with broad-based support”

From Waterland to the Binnenhof

Laura Bromet was a councillor for the municipality of Waterland for eight years, followed by a four-year spell as an alderman, before making the move to the House of Representatives. Her first job was in a butcher’s shop, where she saw up close how every week a cow was slaughtered and processed into steak, minced meat and sandwich toppings. Both her early work experience and work as a councillor come in handy in her work as an MP, as her policy areas include agriculture and nature. Laura is honoured to be an MP and feels at home in The Hague. She takes pride in gradually achieving her ideals, and while effecting meaningful change can take longer than you might want, persuasion and coalition building go a long way.

What Laura stands for

If you’ve had the luck of being born in a free, prosperous country that gave you the opportunity to build a beautiful life of your own, you wish it on everyone. Laura is a GroenLinks politician because she believes that everyone is entitled to a living wage and that wealth should be distributed more fairly. She believes the strongest shoulders should bear the heaviest burdens and that politics has an important role to play in making this happen. According to Laura, where you were born should never determine your future. Laura is also a GroenLinks politician because she believes that future generations should be able to enjoy the beautiful Dutch landscape, scenic nature, clean air, darkness, and silence, just as we have. Laura is committed to raising awareness of our peatlands. Peat is gradually disappearing as a result of artificially low water levels, meant to help agriculture, and is releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide in the process. Laura herself also lives in an area rich in peatlands and has seen how the houses around her are slowly sinking. To stop this from happening, she wants to raise water levels: good for nature, good in the fight against climate change and a good way to stop subsidence.

What you need to know about Laura

Laura entered politics because she believed there had to be a better way to run her village. At the end of her council term, she reached the finals of the Best Councillor of the Netherlands election. Together with her father, she made the cinematic documentary ‘Alles van Waarde' about managerial culture.

Laura enjoys engaging with everyone, especially with people who disagree with her.